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Health & Nutrition

Learn about all sorts of things that are beneficial to your health include Oils, Vegetables, and Whole Grains.

Cooking Oils

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Made from Olives

Smoke Point:  375 degrees Fahrenheit

Uses:  Best used as an ingredient in salad dressings.  Can also be used as a                  dip and drizzled on top of foods after they've been cooked to add                    extra flavor.

Nutritional Facts:  Low in saturated fat, small amount of Omega 3 & 6 fatty                                       acids,  120 calories per tablespoon.  

Health Benefits:  Can help fight stress, improve mood swings, decrease                                             mental fatigue, helps manage weight, improve bone                                                 mineralization  and calcification, reduce blood pressure,                                         reduce risk of type-2 diabetes, helps lower cholesterol.

Olive Oil

Made from Olives

Smoke Point:  391 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Uses:  Mainly used for pan frying or sauteing.  Perfect for making flavor                        infused oils by adding things like garlic, rosemary, thyme, and other                  herbs and spices.

Nutritional Facts:  Rich in monounsaturated fats, large amount of antioxidants,  high in Omega 3 fatty acids, 119 calories per tablespoon.

Health Benefits:  Natural anti-inflammatory, may help prevent stroke, protective against heart disease, helps manage weight, reduce risk of type-2 diabetes, has anti-cancer properties, can help treat Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Grapeseed Oil

Made from Grape Seeds

Smoke Point:  425 degrees Fahrenheit

Uses:  Has virtually no taste. It's high smoke point allows for high heat stir                  frying.  Also good for sauteing and substituting EVOO in salad                              dressing.

Nutritional Facts:  Low in saturated fat, Rich in Omega 6 & 9 fatty acids, 120                                       calories per tablespoon.  Does not have the amount of                                           antioxidants that a grape has. Good source of vitamin E.

Health Benefits:  May lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation, skin and hair                                   moisturizer. can  help lower risk of cancer, heart disease,                                       and chronic illness.

Canola Oil

Made from Rape Seed plants

Smoke Point:  400 degrees Fahrenheit

Uses:  Pretty much the go-to oil for any kind of cooking. Stir-fry, sauteing,                   deep frying, baking, grilling, marinades, salad dressing.  Extremely                      light flavor.

Nutritional Facts:  Low in saturated fat, Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, 124                                              calories per tablespoon.  Contains small amounts of                                               Vitamin E and K. Lacks nutrients that most natural oils                                           have.

Health Benefits:  Helps lower bad cholesterol, helps control blood glucose, 

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